This blog is dedicated to those esoteric activities directly or indirectly related to miniature gaming, boardgaming and Euro-gaming.

Monday, April 16, 2018

Chain of Command, Jump Off Points, Shock Markers & Terrain

The journey towards Chain of Command readiness continues ...

I'm working on the terrain and game aids before facing into painting my German Grenadiers. The terrain is aimed at Normandy post D-Day and the '29 Lets Go!' campaign.

Results to date:

OK, so that last one is not for the game - it is my new paint organiser ... but having this has helped inspire me to push forward and complete some of what you see above! Didn't realise how many paints I had ... :-(.

Apart from the items on the Jump Off markers (which are home cast, or for the weapons off the sprue) and the picket fence, this is all scratch built.

Thanks for looking, feel free to leave a comment or question.


  1. Outstanding work as usual! The bar just keeps getting higher.

    1. Thanks Vinnie - nothing but the best for our games!

  2. you have done a really nice job on a lot of these pieces.
