I owe much to HeresyBrush and Ruben for inspiration here. I have unashamedly followed his formula (more or less) for this model. I really should have started with some infantry, but couldn't resist. I am very pleased with the results - please leave a comment and let me know what you think.
Base colours are Vallejo MC Middlestone, with Reflective Green and German Camo Med Brown for the disruptive camouflage. No modulation attempted! AK NATO Filter used. Weathering is WMC Dark Oxide and 50/50 Ivory/Sand Yellow for highlights. Sponge and brush techniques used for scratches and rust spots. AK washes for outlining, and streaking. AK Light Rust Wash over WMC Dark Oxide for track applique armor. Tracks are VPA Track Base, with mixture of AK Dark and Rust washes applied generously. Enough details - go visit HeresyBrush for a step by step!
Oh - and it needs a coat of Matt Varnish still. Waiting for his friends to be finished!